Speak to the best Child Support Lawyer Woodvale has to offer. Child Support is about ensuring that your children are adequately provided for both emotionally and financially.
This is, for most parents, their number one priority.
The purpose of child support is to meet the needs of the child after a separation or divorce.
Child support obligations take into account the number of children, the children’s care arrangements and each parent’s income.
Arrangements can be made privately through an agreement between the parents or via an application to the Commonwealth Government’s Child Support Agency (CSA).
Apex Family Lawyers & Mediators can help clients to arrange a just and equitable financial provision for their children, putting their mind at ease and allowing them to focus on the future.
A child support agreement can offer a more flexible way of arranging child support.
The separated parents can agree to pay a certain amount. Provisions may be made for specific expenses such as educational and medical costs.
Apex also has extensive experience advising on, negotiating and drafting agreements.
The Child Support Agency (CSA) is responsible for administering Australia’s Child Support Scheme.
Decisions of the CSA can be reviewed internally, by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (ATT) and in limited circumstances by the courts.
We can help you apply to the CSA and, if you believe an incorrect assessment has been made, we will assist you with the preparation of objections, submissions and applications to the CSA, ATT or the court.
If the paying parent has stopped making child support payments, it may be necessary to take enforcement action.
We can help you to put pressure on the paying parent to reinstate their payments and will start enforcement proceedings on your behalf if necessary.